Application form for qualified participants

We would like to remind that partcipants qualified for the 21st Ada Sari International Vocal Artistry Competition are obligate to submit their application form by March 17th, 2025.
The form is available below.
Document confirming required qualifications*:
scan of a valid student ID or diploma, ZIP, RAR, JPG, PNG or PDF format file, maximum file size up to 100 MB
Recommendations and achievements:
file format: ZIP, RAR, JPG, PNG or PDF, maximum file size up to 100 MB
Black and white photo*:
JPG format file with a dimension of not less than 300 DPI, the longer side of at least 2,000 pixels, maximum file size up to 20 MB
Stage I programme
Stage II programme
I wish to contend for the PRIZE for an outstanding rendition of ART SONGS / LIEDER*:
Art song / lieder
Stage III programme
I want to use the Competition accompanist’s services*:
Information about the participant's accompanist
My accompanist will take advantage of the board and lodging provided by the Organisers and paid for with the accompanist fee during stage I and, provided I qualify, also during stage II*:
I oblige myself or the delegating university to:
I want to receive a VAT invoice for the accompanist stay fee*:
Entrance fee
I oblige myself to:
I will take advantage of the board and lodging provided by the Organisers and paid for with the entrance fee during stage I and, provided I qualify, also during stages II and III*:
I want to receive a VAT invoice for the entrance fee*:
Consents and declarations
I declare, that: